Friday, April 19, 2013

Evil Smiles

Like most babies, Ruby likes to cuddle. The problem is, she wants to cuddle 24/7.  My mother can attest to this. Ruby will stay awake for hours until she is safely in my arms. At first I thought this was cute.  Now- not so much.  She used to sleep 3-4 hours at a time at night and now we don't get more than an hour or so at a time before she wakes up and wants to be held. For the past week, I have tried to not give in immediately to her cries for attention.  This translated into minimal sleep (as in- MAYBE 2-3 hours) for 5 days in a row. The minute I cave in and pick her up- she generally gives me the biggest smile.  It is absolutely impossible to stay mad when she does this. However- her smile doesn't make up for the fact that I am currently a walking zombie.  Surprisingly, I have learned to function in this state.

We are nearing the 8-week mark and Rue has been showing us her personality more and more everyday. She is definitely stubborn and she already knows what she wants. If I put her in her swing and I forget to turn the mobile on- she stares at it and screams until I turn it on.  If I make a funny face- she scrunches her brow. She smiles when I sing (she may be the only one) and so I do this a lot now. She started this new habit where she likes to stare at herself in a mirror as she cries. Elliott jokes that he is now surrounded by 2 drama queens.  He has a point.

The best part of having a baby?  I can't go to the grocery store without every woman over the age of 30 stopping me and asking me questions about her.  So, I get to brag a lot.  She may not sleep well, but I still think my child is amazing and the most beautiful being in the world.  All of us mommas think this!

I had all these dreams of sleep-training, feeding schedules, rainbows, reading to Ruby in the rocker with the sun beaming down on us, dressing her up in cute outfits and frequenting the park for walks twice a day. In all reality, if I am able to fit in a shower every other day and don't smell like sour milk then I feel like supermom.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ruby Sees All

Yes- that was a Cake reference. But seriously, I feel like she watches my every move with her big, beautiful crossed-eyes.

Miss Ruby June is 19 days old today and the past 2 1/2 weeks have been a complete blur. Like all newborns Ruby sleeps, eats, poops and sometimes likes to scream and scare her parents half to death. But in all honesty, she only cries when something is wrong so she generally stops the minute I pick her up. God blessed me with an easy baby.

Sleep is something I cherish nowadays. There have been a handful of nights when Ruby hasn't allowed me to sleep at all.  Other nights (like last)- I managed to piece together 7 scattered hours over the course of the night.  She is a doll during the day... and I normally have to wake her up for her feedings every 2.5 hours or so.  I asked the pediatrician why she was STILL nocturnal and he said to expect this for another 4 weeks or so.  At least there is an end in sight!

Ruby loves to eat.  Go figure.  Little girl has been steadily gaining weight since we left the hospital and I don't think we will be in newborn clothes for much longer.  I am relieved that she is thriving like she is- especially after her weight loss scare.

El and I have quickly adapted to life with Ruby. We are in bed by 6:30 every night to settle her down.  I have never been happier then when the 3 of us are laying in bed together.  We sing to her and talk to her about things like how we thought she was a boy and give her tips on how to take over the world.  She listens to us with big eyes and occasionally gives us a little smirk. I swear she understands what we are saying sometimes.

We have had so many visitors since she arrived!  My parents (Mia and Pops) have been here on and off over the past 2 weeks.  Yesterday, my mom watched Ruby when I ran a few errands and took a nap.  It was AMAZING.  Elliott's momma Dee Ann came last weekend as well and it was wonderful!  This weekend Aunt Jackie will be visiting her little niece. We are super pumped to introduce Ruby to her great-grandmother and great-aunt Karen on Easter weekend.

Every day that passes is another day closer to me going back to work. I am trying to cherish every single moment with my little Sprout while I can while also preparing myself emotionally for the shift back to the office. If I didn't love my job and my coworkers so much, I don't think I would be handling this well at all.  Thankfully, my mom will be watching my little girl for a couple days a week and the other days she will be at a wonderful childcare facility so I have no worries.  I am so thankful that I have the next 5 full weeks to spend with her before the time comes.

Well,  it is meal time again.  It is a never-ending cycle!

Peace, Love and Ruby Cakes,

The Jepsons

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Welcome to the World, Little One!

Birth Story of Our Beautiful Ruby June 
*A Little Graphic*

Last Friday, February 22nd, I went to my midwife for one of my biweekly blood pressure checks. I knew going into the appointment that, at 37 weeks (considered full-term for a baby), my blood pressure needed to be steady in order for me to let the little one gestate a week or so more. I went into the midwife's office with a blood pressure of 144/94 and they sent me to the hospital for another Non-Stress Test. Baby J was fine, but blood pressure continued to rise and at 10:30am the midwife said she wasn't comfortable with me leaving the hospital and that we should induce. I called Elliott and he came by the hospital right away.

We were checked-in by 11:00am and I was officially induced at 3:00 on Friday using Cytotek. I was also given a Magnesium drip to make sure that my BP didn't cause seizures.  It was a long process, as I was nowhere near ready to start having this baby. Every 4 hours I was given another dose of Cytotek.  That wasn't the bad part. The bad part was the Magnesium. It made me feel like I had the flu and I just felt AWFUL the full 3.5 days I was on it.  Anyways- by 8:00am the next morning we started a Foley bulb balloon to get me from 3-5cm.  It was a weird experience to say the least and I was really amazed that it actually did the trick. At 3:00pm I was then started on a Pitcoin drip. I was handling labor and the contractions very well but my blood pressure to continued to get higher (go figure- I was in immense pain and having a baby!) especially after the midwife broke my water.  The midwife told me it was medically necessary to get an epidural- something I did NOT want. Epidural medicine actually naturally lowers it! I cried and cried and cried because I refused to believe that I actually needed it but she said it was the only way to decrease my blood pressure.  So, I got an epidural and was told to get some rest because it was going to be a long night and I had about 3 hours before things would get going.  Within and hour I told my nurse- "I think it is time to push" but she told me there was no way I was ready and to continue to rest. She came by an hour later and I was like... "Okay Lady, I really really think I am ready" and she checked me and sure enough Baby J was good to go.

The epidural did not take effect on my right side at all, and I had full mobility the entire time. I pushed for 4 and a half hours and, although we could see Little One's head, she barely budged. To make a long story very short, I had a hemorrhage,  lost a lot of blood and learned that Baby was both "Sunny Side Up" (3% of babies are) and asymmetrical (meaning her head was tilted to the side <1% chance of this). She was literally stuck in my pelvis. Our emergency OB-GYN was called in for a vacuum extraction.  At this point I was on oxygen because I lost so much blood and energy.  The doctor was amazing!  She told me that we had only 3 chances to get the baby out via vacuum and after that we would have to do an emergency C-section but at this point it would be very dangerous for both me and the baby. She told me to push as hard as I could. All 3 vacuum attempts failed. With one last hope, the doctor dove right in and while I was pushing she pulled Little One out. The whole time I was honed in on Elliott's voice telling me how close the baby was, how strong I was, and how I he knew I could do it. It was insane.  I never tried so hard, screamed so loud, and NEVER EVER EVER had I ever been  even remotely as ecstatic as I was when I heard the baby's cries as they placed her on my belly. It was the single best moment of my life. After all that we went through with the labor, I had the worst in mind and had a feeling that something was medically wrong with her. 

Nope!  She (yes, a SHE!) is perfect. She arrived at 5:04 am on Sunday February 24, 2013. 7 pounds 20.5 inches. 

In the midst of all that was going on, the midwife told Elliott to tell everyone the baby's sex and he was in such a daze- poor guy. Then, he looked down and was like, "A GIRL". It was the best surprise God could have ever given us.  Our little Ruby June!

We stayed at the hospital until 12:00pm on Wednesday 2/27 because of my 3rd degree tears, the possible effects of the Magnesium and because Ruby developed jaundice.  

Now that we are home, it is all a blur.  Ruby June is a very mellow baby (most newborns are). She sleeps, eats, and thinks that everything close to her face is a nipple. Poor Elliott has had his nose latched on to more than once!  She has her mommy's nose and lips and her daddy's cheeks, feet and chin.  Elliott can't get enough of her. I can't either. She already seems to associate my voice with food.  She eats a TON as she needs to. She lost 11% of her body weight after birth- her pediatrician attributes this to a "traumatic birth", and so we are desperately trying to "fatten" her back up. With Herndon/Maples genes- that isn't going to be an issue for very long.

We received so many prayers and well-wishes and honestly, they mean the world to us. It was all quite traumatic for Elliott and I. I don't know if we will ever get over the fear we both had that something was wrong. Now that we are all safe, sound and healing, it is nice to take a second and recap all the craziness that this last week has brought to our lives.  As I sit here, Ruby June is snoozing away and it makes me smile just thinking about all that life has in store for her.

Elliott and I have never felt so much love and support. Thank you for your prayers, your concerns, phone calls, etc.  We are so lucky to have so many amazing people in our lives and it is during times like these when we are reminded about how truly grateful we should continue to feel.  

Peace, Love and Ruby Cakes,

The Jepson Family

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Auntie Jackie to the Rescue!

Today marks Day #9 of Bed Rest.  I am anxiously counting down the days until this Friday the 22nd because if we get to that point, baby will be full-term and we don't have to worry as much about the effects of inducing before the baby is ready. Although I always wanted this to happen naturally- I am now much more concerned with how the baby is reacting to my blood pressure than trying to adhere to the "Natural" standard.

On Tuesday night (late) I received a call from one of my amazing midwives telling me that what started out as Gestational Hypertension has progressed to Preeclampsia.  This mainly just means that the high blood pressure is affecting my kidneys and I am not processing protein the way I need to.  The unfortunate thing is that this can have an immediate impact on my placenta- causing it to completely stop working well before the baby is due.  Because of this, I have been put on even more of a strict bed-rest regimen.  I have full faith that all will work out fine. Baby J has continued to stay active and we have another 2 appointments Monday and Tuesday of this week to make sure Bean Sprout is still developing well.

Thank God for my little angel of a sister, Jackie. She came up Friday night with a stack of movies (Pitch Perfect is hilarious) and an energy level through the roof.  She helped me pick up some baby essentials that I just didn't have enough of (diapers, a 2nd car seat for Elliott).  She also put together the rest of our nursery furniture, rearranged the room, and kept me occupied while Elliott continued working to finish our basement.  Just being around her positive energy made me a much happier person.  I have always been thankful for her- but I have never known anyone able to 'step-up' when needed like she does (she was a rockstar at my wedding too!).  She is my sunshine.

Auntie Jackie painted all of those pretty pictures for her niece/nephews room! 

 Thank you again Jax for putting this all together for us!

I am so thankful that not only was I able to see my sister one last time before I am fully-consumed with the baby... but that my parents are now finally on the ground after spending the last 2 weeks on a cruise ship.  Momma Maples is arriving in Asheville on Tuesday (Elliott is very excited because this means good food).  I am forever grateful that my family is so close by.  I am the luckiest. 

So, we could meet Liam/Ruby as soon as Friday but hopefully we can make it to at least 38 weeks or even 39. Taking it all one day at a time is my only plan.  They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it is taking a village just to get me out of the 3rd trimester! I am insanely jealous of all of those lucky women who are able to go through this without the threat of induction. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ooooh Baby Baby

Over a year has passed since my last post. Just when I thought things couldn't change all that much- God threw some major curveballs my way. 

I wound up back at United Way- in a position I wholeheartedly believe that I was always meant to have- last March. In May, Elliott and I were finally married after 6 years at a very chaotic but lovely wedding.  Roosters crowed and firearms were shot throughout our entire ceremony... we should have taken those "shotguns" as a sign of what was to come.  
The weekend we learned about our Bean Sprout. Please note poor Elliott's 'shock' face.

We found out about the impending arrival of our Little Baby Jepson on my birthday- July 2nd.  By July 13th- my dad's birthday- we finally let our families in on the news.  It took a few weeks to get over the shock that we were going to have a baby- but the minute we let our families know it all got real and very exciting. The past 8 months have been full of more changes and preparations. My parents moved to Charlotte, NC in early October and we closed on our very own home on October 31st. 

I have had the easiest pregnancy.  For the most part I have felt healthy, happy and oftentimes oddly powerful.  I sometimes feel as though I am doing something special that no one has ever experienced before. But, I guess God gives us woman that feeling so that we continue to go through this over and over again. Up until 35 weeks, I had zero complications and have loved every moment.  From the very beginning we agreed on baby names: Ruby June for a little girl and Liam for a little boy. We never did find out what we were having- so we are going to get a big surprise on Baby's Birthday.

I have had a history of high blood pressure since I stopped swimming in 2007 so my midwives were extremely cautious and have been monitoring me since the beginning of my pregnancy. Last week, after 34 weeks of smooth sailing and the lowest blood pressures I have had my entire life, I finally started spiking.  I have been put on bedrest (which is surprisingly the most boring thing ever) and will now go in twice a week for BP checks.  Our March 15th due date has moved up significantly. My midwives would like to induce me between 37-38 weeks if the pressure stays high.  We have little worries about how 'ready' he/she is- we are still in the 75th+ percentile in weight and length.

25 Weeks and feeling great

Paying homage to my only craving this entire pregnancy- Bacon!

33 weeks and getting bigger! My little Liam/Ruby was measured at 4 pounds this week.

My wonderful best friend Sam came to visit at 34 weeks. It was such a great weekend!
Now- Elliott and I are anxiously waiting for what my body does next. We hope to keep the baby cooking as long as possible but we are ready for anything at this point.  February 22nd is our new target date but hopefully we can wait it out until February 27th or 28th (when Baby will share a birthday weekend with Aunt Jackie) so baby has more time to grow. 

Bean Sprout at 30 weeks.  Can't wait to kiss those big feet!!!

This blog is changing to more of a "Family Update" site since all our friends and family are so far away. Elliott and I will post pictures and updates as our family expands.  Hopefully I don't become one of those mothers obsessed with sharing pictures and trivial information about Baby Jepson- but I don't have much faith in myself.  

Love, Happiness and Bean Sprout,

Monday, October 24, 2011

No Friendship is By Chance

I went back to Centre College this weekend.  It had been over 4 years since I had been back to Danville, KY.

Every building seemed different.  Pathways seemed larger.  The students seemed so tiny (I am convinced that this is because the 20 year olds haven't had the chance to develop beer weight yet). Had this been any other type of event, I wouldn't have driven those 4 hours.  However, after losing Matt Shuey this past May- nothing would have kept me (or probably any of us, for that matter) away from the pool to celebrate his life, his friendship, and his influence on all of us.

Swimming was always the most important commitment I had.  I began as a second grader and spent the majority of my evenings and weekends at the pool throughout school.  It was different type of commitment in college, though.  At Centre, I met some of the most amazing people in the world.  As a swim team, we functioned as a family.  Whether it was an early morning practice, a championship meet, or the obligatory 'post party'... we very rarely were away from one another. 

I have always appreciated the friendships that I made over those 4 years at Centre.  However, I didn't realize how truly important they were until Friday night.  The minute I stepped through the pool doors, I was transported back into time.  It was like we had never left.  Over the course of the night, familiar faces came and went.  There were tons of hugs, memories and speeches.

I used to look at the same old clock at the pool and pray for practice to be over.  This night, I kept looking at that same clock praying for it to just stop. It was all too easy to move away and move on. I pushed away good memories so that I didn't dwell on missing the people that I loved (a skill everyone who moves around a lot knows all too well).   

Driving home on Saturday I kept imagining how pumped Shuey must have been to see us all together.  As I was thinking about this, I passed by a church with a sign that said "NO FRIENDSHIPS ARE BY CHANCE."  Well, isn't that the truth?!   I never want to take these, or any, amazing people for granted.  My swim team was a family.  We were all meant to experience those years, to share in the growth of one another, and to stick together when something happens to one of us. I wouldn't trade one hellish practice, one New Years police visit, one 48 hour rule violation, and one bashed hand on the lane line for anything.  

I say this everyday and I'll say it again.  I feel so lucky. Good friends.  Good times.  Good beer.

I know that Shuey was there with us- but it would have been great to have had him DJ. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Horoscope was Right: Working Fast and Starting Fresh

Oh Wow,

July 2nd Birthday Horoscope: "There's a financial breakthrough in the next six weeks when your effort add up to a big payoff.  You'll take a chance in August and love where it leads."  Six weeks and 2 days later- on the same day- Elliott gets a promotion and I receive a temporary job offer.

Life has been a blur.  On August 17 I received a call from the United Way of Asheville/Buncombe County offering me a temporary Loaned Executive position for their 2011 campaign season.  I accepted this wonderful opportunity immediately.  Gaining more fundraising experience- awesome.  Becoming more comfortable with public speaking- check.  Moving to Asheville- Hell yeah. 

Fast forward to today, August 30.  In the past 12 days I have found an apartment in Asheville (75 miles from our home in Lenoir), moved into said apartment (it is amazing), started a new position and have started to integrate into this wonderful community.  This is the first place that Elliott and I have ever lived that I actually won't be embarrassed to have guests.  Plus-the music, food and mountains may just be enough to keep me in one place for a while.

I am pretty pumped about everything.  I always knew we would wind up here- I just didn't realize it would happen so fast.  I am thankful that both Elliott and I have been able to adapt so easily to every place that we have moved and I am exceptionally hopeful that we will be able to start a new and potentially permanent life here.

On a lighter note, my horoscope also stated "There's a family expansion in September."  I am praying that the gods toss a puppy my way. 

Peace, Love and Mountains